For the purposes of articles 6 (LA: Art. 6), 20, sections III and VII (LA: Art. 20), and 36-A, section I, subsection b) (LA: Art. 36A) of the Law, international freight forwarders or those authorized by them, shall transmit to the Digital Window an electronic document with the information related to the merchandise for which they hired the maritime transport service.

    I. The electronic document referred to in this rule must contain the following information:

    a) The Carrier Harmonized Alphanumeric Code (Código Alfanumérico Armonizado del Transportista) referred to in rule 2.4.4. (RGCE 2020: Regla 2.4.5), of the international freight forwarder.

    b) Those provided for in section I of rule 1.9.22. (RGCE 2020: Regla 1.9.20), except as indicated in subsections b), c), e), g), k), numeral 8 and m).

    c) The Carrier Harmonized Alphanumeric Code (Código Alfanumérico Armonizado del Transportista) of the person who issued the knowledge.

    d) Place of origin of the merchandise before being taken to the port of shipment (place where the merchandise was loaded).

    e) Master or house reference bill of lading number, to which the house bill of lading will be added.

    f) House bill of lading number.

    II. The transmission of the electronic document will be subject to the following:

    a) Import must be carried out 24 hours after the vessel has set sail, except in the case of the following operations where transmission may be made up to 24 hours before the arrival of the vessel to national territory:

    1. Bulk merchandise of the same species provided for in rule 3.1.21., section IV (RGCE 2020: Regla 3.1.21).

    2. Merchandise not transported in containers carried out by the automotive terminal or manufacturing of motor vehicles and the commercialization of new vehicles identified by the Secretary of Economy (Secretaría de Economía).

    3. Metal sheets and tubes and coil wire, as long as it is a uniform and homogeneous load.

    4. Loose cargo that is not presented in containers, such as boxes, bags, sacks, and barrels.

    5. Merchandise transported by roll-on/roll-off ship.

    6. Empty containers.

    b) In export, it must be transmitted within 24 hours prior to the time the vessel departs.

    c) Comply with the requirements and file format established in the "Guidelines with the technological specifications for the transmission to the Digital Window of the transport document in maritime traffic", issued by the General Customs Administration (Administración General de Aduanas), which can be consulted on the Service Tax Administration (Servicio de Administración Tributaria) Portal.

    d) Once the information has been transmitted, the Digital Window will send the international freight forwarder or those authorized by it, an electronic validation acknowledgment.

    e) The modification of the data may be carried out as many times as necessary according to the following:

    1. In the case of imports, before the importer, through their customs agent, customs agency or accredited legal representative, presents the merchandise for dispatch and the automated selection mechanism is activated.

    In the case of bulk merchandise, the gross weight will be modified even after the automated selection mechanism is activated.

    2. In the case of exports, the data that may have been transmitted electronically before setting sail may be modified, or when in accordance with Article 89 (LA: Art. 89) of the Law, the customs declaration (pedimento) has been rectified.

    Once the Digital Window sends the acceptance message to the international freight forwarders or those authorized by them, the corresponding transport document number (bill of lading) must be declared in the customs declaration (pedimento).

    For the purposes of this rule, in the event of a fortuitous event or force majeure that prevents transmission, the provisions of the Digital Window Contingency Program will be followed, which can be consulted on the Service Tax Administration (Servicio de Administración Tributaria) Portal.

    International freight forwarders or those authorized by them must carry out the transmission referred to in this rule, to the Digital Window, to the extent that the computer systems are enabled in each customs in the country, which will be announced on the Service Tax Administration (Servicio de Administración Tributaria) Portal.

    Law 6 (LA: Art. 6), 20-III, VII (LA: Art. 20), 36-A-I (LA: Art. 36A), 89 (LA: Art. 89), Regulation 19 (RLA: Art. 19), General Rules of Foreign Trade (RGCE) 1.9.22. (RGCE 2020: Regla 1.9.20), 2.4.4. (RGCE 2020: Regla 2.4.5), 3.1.21. (RGCE 2020: Regla 3.1.21)