They are faculties of the Ministry (LCE: Art. 3) (RLCE: Art. 1):
Study, project and propose to the Federal Executive tariff modifications;
Process and resolve investigations regarding safeguard measures (LCE: Art. 45), as well as impose the measurements resulting from such investigations;
Study, project, establish and modify regulation and non-tariff restriction measures for export, import, circulation and transit of merchandise;
Establish the rules of origin;
Grant previous permits and assign export and import quotas. (RLCE: Art. 15);
Establish the requirements the country of origin labeling;
Processing and resolving investigations into unfair international trade practices, as well as determining the compensatory fees resulting from such investigations;
Advise Mexican exporters involved in investigations abroad regarding unfair international trade practices and safeguard measures or any other procedure that may result in import restrictions in other countries;
Coordinate international trade negotiations with the competent agencies and, when requested by the Ministry, with the productive sectors;
Issue administrative provisions in compliance with international treaties or agreements in commercial matters to which Mexico is a part of;
Establish programs and mechanisms for the promotion and development of exports, as well as the provisions that govern them, listening to the productive sectors and institutions promoting the public and private sector;
Issue rules that establish general provisions within the scope of its competence, as well as the necessary criteria for compliance with international trade laws, agreements or treaties, decrees, regulations, agreements and other general regulations of its competence, and
The others that expressly entrust the laws and regulations.